Marion Coron, support for Christiane Taubira in the Gard, live Monday at 7:45 a.m.

The end of registration for the nomination vote of the Popular Primary, it’s tonight, Sunday January 23, at 11:59 p.m.. According to a score Sunday at noon, some 404,000 people were already registered to vote between Thursday 27 and Sunday 30 January to designate, among seven personalities on the left, the one who will be supported. This figure is significantly higher than those of the environmental primary in September (122,000 registered) and the Republican Congress in early December (nearly 140,000). Marion Coron has set up a support committee in the Gard which claims 307 members, she is the guest of France Bleu Gard Lozère this Monday live at 7:45 am.

Three of the seven candidates – Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Yannick Jadot and the socialist Anne Hidalgo – refused in advance to recognize the result of the vote, and find themselves involved in the vote despite themselves. They each requested that their names be removed from the list of candidates.

The former Keeper of the Seals Christiane Taubira, declared a candidate only a week ago, and three lesser candidates have meanwhile promised to comply with the results: Anna Agueb-Porterie, Pierre Larrouturou, and Charlotte Marchandise.

An online petition calls on supporters to vote for Christiane Taubira.

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