Marion Campan (OPJ) found dead at 30: the heavy words of her partner

On August 15, 2022, Marion Campan, actress of the series OPJ (France 3), was found dead at her home in Saint-Paul on Reunion Island. She was only 30 years old. The circumstances of his death remain unclear for the moment, but according to Clickanoowhich reports the first elements of the investigation opened by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Saint-Denis, the young actress would have ended her life by hanging: “For the time being, the reasons for such a tragedy have not been established. The young woman did not leave a message to explain her gesture“According to the website of the famous Island radio, Freedom,”she was found hanged with her dog’s leash“. Faced with this ordeal, a cast member of the show posted a heartbreaking message on Instagram.

Actress Lisa Do Couto Teixeira, who plays Tahia Ethève in OPJ, wrote a long post on Instagram. She first shares her happiness at having participated in this soap opera, the filming of which ended on August 10 in Reunion, five days before Marion Campan was discovered dead in her apartment. Then, she praises the talent of the young actress and her benevolence, especially for the scenes in which they together embody a couple on the screen: “My first love of TV, it was a challenge but your benevolence and this magical connection during our sequences made the task so much easier. I’m not going to see my entire brigade again, I’m already dreading seeing our couple on screen without being able to send you a message to laugh at this moment which by magic makes you so good or that you can’t wait to play again together to do better.

Then, Lisa Do Couto Teixeira writes a passage heavy with meaning in view of the circumstances of his death: “puppet, I think we would have done everything to make everything easier for you, now we just have to accept your choice and tell us that you are joining our most beautiful stars and see you soon.

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