Marion Bartoli still tackles Benoît Paire on his lifestyle: ‘He’s going to get drunk’

Here are two who will certainly not spend their holidays together. For more than two years now, there has been a cold war between Marion Bartolithe former tennis champion and one of the very best French players, Benoit Pair. Several years ago, the former Wimbledon winner criticized the 32-year-old tennis player for not shaking hands with one of his opponents. A spade to which the companion of Julie Bertin had responded by posting a video which had made the buzz where we saw him having a drink and launched his famous “Cheers Marion!”intended for his new enemy.

After a small period of calm and the good results obtained by Benoît Paire at the Australian Open, the Frenchman seems to have fallen back into his ways with another defeat in the first round of Indian Wells. While leading 6-2, 5-2, he missed four match points to end up losing the game, later citing a “mental problem”. Invited to react to the tennis player’s explanations on the set of Big Mouths of Sport on RMC, Marion Bartoli did not hesitate to scold the ex of Shy’m and the words chosen are particularly harsh against him. “I would have compassion if Benoît trained hard, if he was extremely rigorous. (…) But we’re not in that situation at all.”she explains.

He completely dropped out. He comes to tournaments as a tourist and he hopes to have the results of the guys who put in the effort every day.

This is only the beginning of a long tirade in which Marion Bartoli will attack Benoît Paire quite violently, questioning his desire and his professionalism. “Benoît, he hasn’t been training for 5 or 6 years. He has completely given up. He comes to tournaments as a tourist and he hopes to have the results of the guys who make the effort on a daily basis, who struggle, who make sacrifices. At some point you shouldn’t make fun of the face of the world. It ends up pissing me off.”she says, before giving him the coup de grace: “The guy comes to take 12,000 euros in the first round when he arrives as a tourist, saying that if he wins his match, the next day on his day-off he will play golf, and that there because he lost, bichette he will get drunk”.

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