Marion Bartoli, happy: She lovingly celebrates the first birthday of her daughter Kamilya

Marion Bartoli is a happy mother. Something she does not fail to recall on social networks. As proof, this December 18, 2021, the mother has reoffended by sharing on her Instagram account behind the scenes of the first birthday of her daughter, Kamilya. For the occasion, the one who married Yahya Boumediene in 2019 had planned things big to mark the birth of her first child, born in December 2020.

Indeed, the daughter of Marion Bartoli and Yahya Boumediene has just celebrated her first year. An important event in the eyes of his two parents who, for the occasion, made things big by organizing a sumptuous evening. On the program: frenzied evening, balloons galore but also a sublime birthday cake that Marion Bartoli shared on her Instagram account and had the famous doll made Hello Kitty. “I don’t even remember my life without you !!! My love girl, my daily sunshine !! 1 year of you my toast !! You made every minute of this year exceptional !! Seeing you grow, evolve every day, your smile, your little cheeks, your puff in the air, your big naughty eyes, everything at home, with dad Yahya Boumediene, melts us and fills our heart with happiness. You are the miracle that God gave us, we love you beyond words. Happy birthday Kamilya, our rusk, our princess “, indicated the mother of the family in the caption.

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