Marion Bartoli from 79 to 52 kilos: the terrible secret that hid behind her weight loss

At 38, which she celebrates on October 2, 2022, Marion Bartoli, winner of the Wimbledon tournament in 2013, is the happiest of women. Mother of a little Kamilya, almost two years old, the ex-sportswoman swims in the happiness of love with the footballer Yahya Boumediene. A man who knew how to give her back a taste for life and above all self-confidence after a long descent into hell.

A few years ago, Marion Bartoli, with an imposing build and well-developed muscles, unveiled a new silhouette. Initially applauded for this weight loss, fans and those around them began to worry. It is very thin, bordering on anorexia, that Marion Bartoli made her public appearances. Faced with the questions and concern that her loved ones were having, the tenniswoman was trying to keep up appearances: “I feel a thousand times better, like before a tournament. I feel ready and I’m on fire. I just listened to my body. I didn’t want to lose weight and I didn’t follow a diet. I don’t like that word. It’s more of a food balancing act.” she confided in Gala.

Marion Bartoli had even argued that her retraining in the fashion world (she designed jewelry and clothes) was the cause of this radical transformation: “Previously I had the body to play tennis and try to win a Grand Slam. Today, my job is to design jewelry and clothes, it’s not really the same thing! I have a healthy diet, but I don’t diet.“This version, everyone tried to believe it until Marion found herself hospitalized because of a so-called virus.

Three years ago, Marion Bartoli finally agreed to deliver her truth. In reborn, her book published by Flammarion, she revealed that her dizzying weight loss was only the result of the manipulation of a man she was in love with. A narcissistic pervert who made him plunge into anorexia: “I had this weight loss which was much too rapid to satisfy my former companion, and above all which was incompatible with my morphology because I could not maintain a weight of 52 kilos without starving myself. I had entered an anorexic cycle which was dramatic” Marion ended up getting out of it by meeting true love. Without doubt the most beautiful of her victories.

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