Marine Lorphelin in tears: the former Miss France shares photos of her terrible suffering!

For a good cause, of course, but not easy despite everything… Indeed, a few days ago, Marine Lorphelin launched an assault on the HALF MARATHON DES SABLES which takes place in Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands. Ambassador of Team Orange Running, the ex-beauty queen therefore launched the challenge of traveling several kilometers in the company of the ex of Laury Thilleman, Juan Arbelaez, and many other friends.

If the first day went well, the difficulties quickly began to point the tip of their nose. Marine Lorphelin knew it, but still did not fail to share her exhaustion on Instagram by telling the story of her many kilometers traveled, via her Instagram account. “A race between suffering and exaltation”she titled her long text which recounts her experience that she will probably never forget.

A grueling last step

Injured in her knee the day before, the ex-beauty queen expresses lucidity and recognizes that she will have to spare him. Fortunately, she can count on her friend Greg who “find a few minutes before the start to do a strapping on me. That’s my friend!”. But the 18 kilometer of the stage almost got the better of his motivation. “It’s the beginning of my suffering. The beginning of my ordeal. That of continuing to move forward despite the pain in my left knee. I have the impression that with each step it intensifies. I can’t to switch off my brain… I become intolerant, everything exasperates me”she admits.

But it takes more to turn off Marine Lorphelin. Determined to go all the way, she manages to reach the last kilometer. End of the marathon and place for deliverance: “FINALLY RELIEF. I burst into tears… we did it”. The one who also officiates as a general practitioner traveled 100 km in 3 days for 15 hours of effort which earned her a very nice “50th place in the women’s ranking & 157th overall out of around 800”. A big congratulations for his courage and now place to rest.

See also: Marine Lorphelin in one of the most daring dresses of the year: for a charity gala, the former Miss France leaves little to the imagination!


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