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Tuesday, April 12, Marine Le Pen promises to involve the French in major decisions. The journalist Valéry Lerouge, live from Paris, presents the main measures of the candidate of the National Rally.
Marine Le Pen wishes “revitalize democratic life which is deteriorating over the five years”, says Valéry Lerouge, live from Porte-de-Saint-Cloud (Paris). Tuesday, April 12, the candidate of the National Rally went to the town of Verdon (Eure), where the yellow vests were strongly mobilized. Among Marine Le Pen’s measures, “the creation of the referendum of popular initiative, which the citizens will be able to trigger from 500,000 signatures, the establishment of proportional representation in the legislative elections”lists the journalist Valéry Lerouge.
These more consensual measures could appeal to the electorate of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who came third in the first round of the presidential election. In order to unite, the candidate continues to “refuse any official rallying of Éric Zemmour and his lieutenants. Alliances which she does not want, so as not to sabotage the work of demonization”concludes Valéry Lerouge.