Marine Le Pen’s campaign hampered by a huge health problem? The stroke that worries the clan!

The Le Pen clan is having a difficult start to February 2022… And for good reason, the former president of the National Front Jean-Marie Le Pen was hospitalized last Wednesday following a stroke. If the days of the founder of the far-right party are not in danger, the 93-year-old man was still taken care of in a hospital in Île-de-France where he “underwent examinations which revealed nothing worrying”, revealed our colleagues from CNews.

“The examinations show that there is no imminent threat that has been medically identified”, said his adviser Lorrain de Saint Affrique. As a precaution, Jean-Marie Le Pen will therefore remain hospitalized until Saturday February 5. Time for Marine Le Pen’s father to “rest” in this Ile-de-France establishment.

Jean-Marie Le Pen: not sure to be “still there” for the next presidential elections

While he has been very rare for many years, Jean-Marie Le Pen recently confided in Vanity Fair in October 2021. The former politician had indeed delivered on “the death that rodent him”. “I never thought about it, but since I turned 90, I know I’ve started the home stretch”declared the father of Marine Le Pen.

Asked about the next presidential elections, the latter had not shown his support for his daughter, candidate RN: “You know the election is in April, and April is a long way off. I don’t even know if I’ll still be here.”he simply said…

Lisa Ziane

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