Marine Le Pen’s campaign goes through the West Indies and overseas, which can “win an election”

Two weeks before the first round, Marine Le Pen on an express trip to Guadeloupe. Barely more than 24 hours on the spot: she goes to the Antilles, Saturday March 26, for the first time as a presidential candidate when her father had been prevented from landing in Martinique 36 years ago, in 1987. these historically left-wing islands, the candidate wants to send a signal: that her demonization is complete.

Yes, you can be called Le Pen and go to the West Indies: that’s the message. It has not always been the case. 1987: Jean-Marie Le Pen is prevented from landing in Fort-de-France, Martinique does not want the leader of the National Front, forced to turn back and return to Paris. Since then, Marine Le Pen has never traveled to the West Indies as a presidential candidate. A trip that has been considered many times, always postponed. Corn “things have changed” assures us of his entourage. “Marine is the only one interested in the overseas territories, with them they find the lost Chirac” even a loved one gets carried away.

Because the candidate continues the demonstrations of interest. Today and tomorrow, she will talk about purchasing power, access to water, chlordecone pollution. So many major concerns in the West Indies. A demonstration of love which should not overshadow the strategic interest. 5% of Guadeloupeans voted Marine Le Pen in 2012, they were nearly 14% in 2017. Analysis of a campaign strategist: “Overseas can win the election, it’s the few percent that make the difference”.

And then this trip is also for Marine Le Pen a way to gain height, at the very moment when Eric Zemmour will make his Parisian show of force at the Trocadero. Marine Le Pen will be busy visiting a “lolo”, a typical West Indian restaurant and grocery store. Guaranteed image contrast… This is precisely the desired effect: to be seen far, very far from Paris. Illustration with this tackle from a Le Pen campaign strategist: “Zemmour and his loser thing, who cares”.

And yet, the Le Pen team thought for several weeks about the response to the meeting of the nationalist competitor, with the idea of ​​an offbeat counter-programming. It will be done with this trip to Guadeloupe, especially since Eric Zemmour has canceled his only overseas trip of the campaign.

Setting sail as the campaign enters the home stretch is also a way of showing serenity, for a Marine Le Pen who likes to repeat that she has never doubted her access to the second tower. Even if the trip will be express, 26 hours on site, there is no question of taking the risk of being away from the metropolis for too long when everything is at stake.

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