Marine Le Pen traveling to Poland to find “her allies”

The National Rally candidate arrived in Poland on Friday to meet European populist leaders. One way to gain height. Marine Le Pen wants to show that she is anything but concerned about what is happening with her right-wing competitors.

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Official procession and howling sirens in the streets of Warsaw. Marine Le Pen takes advantage of decorum when the right chooses its champion, when Eric Zemmour tries to revive. The presidential candidate wants to be far from the agitation. She proudly published the invitation card on social networks: Friday, December 3, she dines with the Polish Prime Minister alongside other European populist leaders. The next day, around fifteen far-right and conservative sovereignist parties, including the National Rally and the Polish Law and Justice Party (PiS), met in Warsaw to discuss their vision for the European Union.

Last July, these parties were signatories of a joint declaration with a view to an alliance. “It turns out that I am a former president of the movement, assures Marine Le Pen, a presidential candidate who has allies in Europe and who considers the fight at European level to be an absolutely fundamental fight. “

“You have to have allies.”

Marine Le Pen

to franceinfo

The idea of ​​the moment at the RN: to try to reinstall the duel with Emmanuel Macron, himself abroad these days, and finally get out of the battle with Eric Zemmour. This is why Marine Le Pen also trivializes the LR congress. “I am not convinced of the possibility of a real dynamic on the right, except perhaps to the detriment of Mr. Macron”, she says.

Detachment displayed, but the candidate knows it: what do processions and receptions with great pomp, trips abroad are only a parenthesis in a campaign that will be played at home.

Marine Le Pen traveling to Poland to find “her allies” – Report by Hadrien Bect

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