Marine Le Pen traces her path on the ground


France 3

Article written by

C.Motte, V.Lerouge, H.Capelli, C.Méral, D.Karcher-Mourgues, L.Pekez, T.Le Bras, V.Le Roux, S.Korwin – France 3

France Televisions

Marine Le Pen, still closely followed in the polls by Valérie Pécresse, continues to trace her path. She was Friday, January 14 in Brittany, with fishermen and farmers.

While the Covid-19 monopolizes the attention, Marine Le Pen plows the ground at the bedside of the dissatisfied. Friday, January 14, in Brittany, angry farmers arrested her. The candidate is leading a local campaign, far from controversy and large gatherings. “We made the choice of the field”, justifies Marine Le Pen, Rassemblement National candidate for the presidential election.

The normalization operation of the Rassemblement National continues, with the aim of consolidating its electoral base. “The people say [les] problems we have in [la] common, at least we listen a little to what she has to say live, and not through the media”, says a man. The method pays off: facing Éric Zemmour, Marine Le Pen did not collapse. Credited with 16 to 17% of the voting intentions, the candidate is starting to hope again.

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