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Marine Le Pen suspended her field campaign on Tuesday, February 22, in order to devote herself to collecting sponsorships. It lacks 107, ten days before the deadline for filing signatures.
Marine Le Pen announced on Tuesday, February 22, that she was suspending her campaign on the ground in order to concentrate on obtaining sponsorships. She counted 393 of them in the evening, out of the 500 required. For activists near Dijon (Côte-d’Or), there is no question of being demotivated. “We keep the hope that she manages to find her 500 signatures, and we hope that she goes all the way”explains Valentin Mouzon.
The system is denounced by Marine Le Pen. “We find ourselves in a situation where candidates who are above 10% struggle to get sponsorships, and candidates who are at 1 or 2% have them without problem”, she said. Ten days before the deadline for submitting signatures, its teams are constantly contacting elected officials. A party official makes between 40 and 50 calls a day.