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Yannick Jadot won, Tuesday, February 22, the 500 signatures necessary for his candidacy for the presidential election, and joined the six other candidates now guaranteed to run. Others, like Marine Le Pen, are struggling to gather sponsorships. The candidate announced to pause her campaign, the time to find the missing signatures.
Marine Le Pen announced on Tuesday, February 22, to suspend her campaign, the time to gather the sponsorships that she lacks so that she can stand for the presidential election. Mobilization is general at the candidate’s HQ. Ten days before the end of sponsorships, the candidate of the National Rally has only 393 signatures, out of the 500 necessary. At the same stage, in 2017, it already had 483.
Worried, she canceled her next trips. “I’m not going to go for a walk in the provinces, to campaign, when I don’t have the sponsorship of mayors“, she declared. Marine Le Pen is not the only one to struggle in her quest for signatures: Éric Zemmour has only 350, and Jean-Luc Mélenchon has 442. Asked about the question, the candidate of La France Insoumise also expressed his concern about the lack of sponsorship.
Constitutional Council 2017
Constitutional Council 2022
Non-exhaustive list.