According to the RN deputy, since the president “steps out of his role as arbiter of the nation” by supporting candidate Valérie Hayer, in difficulty in the polls, it is legitimate for him to put his mandate back into play.
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“It’s absolutely not a question of running away,” refutes Friday May 17 on franceinfo, the National Rally deputy Jean-Philippe Tanguy on the subject of the condition posed by the boss of his group, Marine Le Pen, for a debate with Emmanuel Macron. The former presidential candidate assures that she is ready to debate before the European elections if the president puts “on the table his resignation or the dissolution of the Assembly”.
“Marine Le Pen has been in politics for fifteen years, she has never refused a single debate”insists Jean-Philippe Tanguy. “This is the jurisprudence of General de Gaulle”, supports the delegate president of the RN group in the National Assembly. He cites the “no” in the 1969 referendum and the resignation of the General.
“When the President of the Republic leaves his role as arbiter of the nation, above the parties, he must weigh either his personal resignation – his mandate as President of the Republic – or dissolution.”
Jean-Philippe Tanguy, RN deputyat franceinfo
“Mr Macron absolutely wants to enter this election because Ms Hayer”, the head of the presidential camp list, “cannot break through and is losing ground in the polls”, he points out. The possibility of a debate between the two finalists of the 2017 and 2022 presidential elections has been mentioned in the press in recent days, without the president commenting publicly on this idea.
In the latest Ipsos poll for Radio France and Le Parisien, published Wednesday, Valérie Hayer is far behind the head of the RN list, Jordan Bardella. It stabilizes at 16% of voting intentions. The president of the RN did almost twice as well, with 31%, one point less than in April.