Marine Le Pen (RN) puts forward her proposals so that “we don’t end up with a war”

“I think it would be reasonable, for tensions to stop, to admit that Ukraine will not join NATO”the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, declared Marine Le Pen, candidate of the National Rally (RN) for the presidential election, this Sunday in the program Questions politiques on France Inter and franceinfo channel 27.

“Besides, I think that Emmanuel Macron has already indicated that he would oppose Ukraine’s entry into NATO, I think that’s reasonable”she added, when the President of the Republic was again talking on the phone with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, about the Ukrainian crisis.

“I think that we must obviously ask Russia to leave the Donbass definitively, that we must apply the Minsk agreements, that is to say grant the two Republics of Lugansk and Donetsk the autonomy which was provided for in the Minsk agreements”she added, and “we must recognize the integration of Crimea into Russia, because Crimea will not return to Ukraine, everyone knows that”.

“With these elements, we can ensure that everyone goes home and that we do not end up with a war”she said. “We need an agreement between Russia and NATO, Ukraine remains a tampom state, a neutral state on the international level”defended the RN candidate for the presidential election.

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