Marine Le Pen prepares the debate between the two rounds “at home” surrounded by close advisers

“I will work on my debate at home in a completely normal way as I prepare all the broadcasts,” she said on France Bleu on Monday.

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In order not to repeat the mistakes of 2017, Marine Le Pen is preparing the debate between the two rounds “At her place”surrounded by close advisers, until Wednesday, the day of his televised face-to-face with Emmanuel Macron. “I will work on my debate at home in a completely normal way as I prepare all the programs”assured the candidate of the National Rally, Monday, in the program My France on France Bleu. She thus denied her “going green” in the countryside, in Normandy, mentioned in recent days by party executives.

Marine Le Pen is working on this crucial meeting with her chief of staff Renaud Labaye, her deputy campaign director Jean-Philippe Tanguy, who has notably worked on energy issues, or even with her closest political adviser, who is not other than his brother-in-law and his pen Philippe Olivier.

“The Horaces” will also be by his side. This group of elites, made up of retired or still active senior civil servants, has been in the service of Marine Le Pen for seven years. He must make him revise his files on the economy, Defense and Europe. The right formulas to place in the debate will also be tested.

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A dozen of his advisers from the shadows will thus take turns with the aim, moreover, of reassuring her. “Marine Le Pen does not need anything technical”, assures franceinfo one of these thinking heads. “There, it’s a psychological preparation, almost of a sporting nature.”

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