Marine Le Pen on the move in the Somme



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Thursday, April 21, the candidates resumed the path of the campaign. There are only two days left to convince. Marine Le Pen went to the Somme. Journalist Valéry Lerouge is on site.

The day after the debate, the candidates leave to meet the French on the ground, Thursday, April 21. Marine Le Pen went to Roye in the Somme. Is she confident in the possibility of winning? “Officially yes of course, his entourage is even very satisfied with yesterday’s good performance and quite relieved”reports journalist Valéry Lerouge, live from Roye. “She was able to show her seriousness and her program, it is the image that we wanted her to send back, said one of her close friends to me”he continues.

“The general tone gives the advantage to Emmanuel Macron, but despite this, Marine Le Pen will try to convince until the end”, says Valéry Lerouge. The candidate will go, Thursday 21, to a truck restaurant to discuss and have lunch with transport professionals. “She will throw her last strength this evening in the last meeting of the campaign in Arras (Pas-de-Calais)a city where Emmanuel Macron came first”concludes the journalist.

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