Marine Le Pen no longer plans “a priori” to start the race for the Elysée

Marine Le Pen, who launched her party on Wednesday in the battle for the legislative elections, is herself seeking a new term as MP for Pas-de-Calais.

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Never three without four? Interviewed on Friday May 13 by Le Figaro on its future, Marine Le Pen confides that, “a priori”that is to say “unless exceptional event”she will not be a new presidential candidate in 2027. “A priori, I think that three presidential elections is already a journey”she adds, wishing “to see a new elite emerge” in his camp.

Marine Le Pen, who launched her party on Wednesday in the battle for the legislative elections, is herself seeking a new term as MP for Pas-de-Calais. She plans to criss-cross her constituency this weekend.

The runner-up in the last presidential election sets the goal of getting “at least 60 deputies” of the RN in the June legislative elections in order to have the means to be able to weigh in the future National Assembly. “My ambition is to obtain the translation of the presidential election”in this interview.

Noting that RN voters “are mobilized with the wish to vote”she thinks she can “to have very good surprises” in the elections of June 12 and 19, even if “it is very difficult today to assess the number of deputies” elected. “It is not just a question of having a group. But of having all the means which are made available to the opposition in a living democracy. Like, for example, the power to seize the Constitutional Council Which means at least sixty deputies”she says.

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