Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Valérie Pécresse…who are their children?

While some political figures play the game of family photos in the press, some prefer to keep their garden secret and not reveal the faces of their children. This is particularly the case of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Invited on the set of Marc-Olivier Fogiel, in the program Le Divan, the leader of La France insoumise had precisely evoked this modesty: “It’s not that I have something to hide or that I’m not proud of my people, but they have to be respected. It’s bad enough to call yourself like me, if in addition you have to inflict notoriety on them too, it’s too much“, he had then declared. The candidate for the presidential election has a daughter, Marilyne, born in 1974. Born of his first marriage, with Bernadette Abriel, she is an activist on the left of the political spectrum, like her father. Ex -territorial civil servant, now “publishing secretary for editions 2031” according to her Instagram account, Marilyne Mélenchon married Gabriel Amard, the national secretary of France Insoumise.

Regarding her private life, Marine Le Pen is also quite discreet. Under the light of the cameras since her early childhood, the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen decided to preserve the face of her three children, the eldest of whom, Jehanne, was born in 1998. The president of the National Rally fell a few months later de Mathilde and Louis, the twins, were born in 1999. Their dad is Franck Chauffroy, an entrepreneur who supplied furniture to the Front National.

Regarding Valérie Pécresse, the same rule when it comes to her private life and in particular her three children, Baptiste (25 years old), Clément (23 years old) and Émilie (18 years old). In front of Karine le Marchand on the show An intimate ambition, she explained that she had always refused to reveal the faces of her children to preserve them. She justified herself then:MaybeI am considered cold because I didn’t pose with my baby when I left the maternity ward, maybe they judge me cold because the French didn’t see my whole family grow up“.

Thibaud Cruz

See also: Marine Le Pen: she tackles Franck Dubosc!

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