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The duel on the far right is in full swing. Saturday February 5, Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour will be in a meeting. The first to launch the offensive, this time, is Marine Le Pen. We find Caroline Motte, live from the headquarters of the National Rally.
“Marine Le Pen goes on the offensive again, with this statement of rare violence. So who is she referring to by quoting the word Nazi, probably to former militants, the most radical, the most identity-based that she had taken care to keep away from her party”, says Caroline Motte, live from Marine Le Pen’s campaign headquarters in Paris. “So far, Éric Zemmour has not reacted, but it is in any case a very aggressive charge from the candidate of the National Rally”, says the journalist.
“She finds herself today weakened by several defections: Gilbert Collard, Jérôme Rivière and other party executives who recently joined Éric Zemmour. Marine Le Pen is therefore continuing her demonization enterprise, she wants to appear presidential, ready to fight awaits him for the second round, a fight which will be visible from tomorrow, since Éric Zemmour will be in a meeting in Lille around 3 p.m. and Marine Le Pen in Reims, around 6 p.m., concludes Caroline Motte.