Marine Le Pen declares to be “more ready than ever” for the Élysée, which explains “the feverishness” of Emmanuel Macron, according to her

“I’m more ready than ever”, assures Marine Le Pen on April 8 on franceinfo. “Unquestionably”, the candidate of the National Rally believes that she has never been so close to the Élysée, “perhaps that’s what makes the president so feverish and so aggressive”, she pointed out on Friday, April 8. The candidate of the National Rally was the guest from 8:30 a.m. franceinfo special Presidential 2022.

Emmanuel Macron said on Friday in a newspaper interview Le Parisien/Today in France [article payant] it was “ready to fight”. Marine Le Pen judged “the remarks of the President of the Republic extremely outrageous and aggressive”. “I find him aggressive since he entered the campaign, in his postures, in his remarks”she hammered. “I was quite shocked to hear the President of the Republic, who is the guarantor of the constitution, accuse me of racism”, was indignant Marine Le Pen. His program “is a racist program, which aims to divide society and of great brutality”, indeed estimated Emmanuel Macron in this same interview.

“I challenge him to find a single proposal in my program that discriminates against the French because of their origin, their religion or the color of their skin because that is racism.”

Marine Le Pen

at franceinfo

Asked about the “national priority” that it advocates, particularly in terms of employment, it considered that “creating a difference in rights based on nationality has never, in any law, been considered racism”. For her, “it is the only discrimination which is at the same time legal, moral and admissible”.

Concerning the second round, Marine Le Pen indicated that she would not call on Éric Zemmour and described as “wise” Valérie Pécresse’s decision not to give voting instructions, in the event that she is not qualified. “I will say who I am voting for, but no instructions”indeed indicated the candidate Les Républicains (LR), the same day on France Inter. “The French are adults and they are perfectly capable of knowing who they want to vote for in the second round”added Marine Le Pen, for whom “every Frenchman, on the evening of the first round, faces a new election”. According to the RN candidate, this choice of Valérie Pécresse “demonstrates, since it is a change in jurisprudence at LR, that the party is probably extremely divided and does not at all want to be led like a herd of sheep towards Emmanuel Macron, as was the case in 2017 “.

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