Marine Le Pen comforted by her sister: rare scene of family tenderness

Voting intentions had prepared her for this announcement, but Marine Le Pen had to take the news at 8 p.m.: she was defeated in the second round of the presidential elections on April 24, 2022 by Emmanuel Macron for the second time. The team of Daily was able to film his reaction this Sunday and captured an intimate moment of the leader of the National Rally with his family, a rare scene for the Le Pen clan marked by family tensions.

In Daily on April 24, 2022, we can see what were the reactions of Marine Le Pen’s team to his defeat, as well as those of his relatives. She was in the Armenonville pavilion in Paris where she gave her speech. Hidden not far from the first floor terrace, the journalists and cameraman of the TMC show – boycotted by the far-right party – were able to discreetly film this defining moment, on which we can see Marie-Caroline, the one of the two sisters of the politician – the other is Yann, the mother of Marion Maréchal. After noticing the militants in tears and certain party executives like Thierry Mariani, the camera shows Marine Le Pen being comforted by Marie-Caroline Le Pen. Taking her in her arms, this member of the Le Pen clan wanted to be more present than ever for the youngest of the family.

The agreement seems to be in good shape between the two women, however this has not always been the case. The Express returned in 2015 to the relationship between the two women, which was marked in 1998 by the dissidence of Marie-Caroline Le Pen: “[Elle] disappeared in 1998. Marie-Caroline, known as ‘Caro’, followed the dissent led by Bruno Mégret. A patrimonial estrangement with the Menhir is added to the affair: the former regional councilor abandons politics and the hope of reconciling with her father.

Marie-Caroline Le Pen had accepted in The Express to set certain record straight, in particular the fact that she was the heir intended to succeed her father. At the time of the interview with the weekly, the two women are reconciled despite the political split in 1998. Defining themselves “catholic, nationalist and modern”, Marie-Caroline Le Pen leans like her husband, the ex-megretist Philippe Olivier, on the side of Bonapartism and the union of the rights. But that does not prevent them from collaborating with Marine Le Pen.

Especially since a new link has arrived: Jordan Bardella. The lieutenant of the head of the RN is the lover of Marie-Caroline’s daughter, Nolwenn Olivier. During the third campaign for the presidential elections of Marine Le Pen, her sister was responsible for monitoring that Marine lacks nothing, such as for example that she eats well at lunchtime, as the candidate had confided to Guillaume Pley in the Campaign HQ. A page turns for the daughters of Jean-Marie Le Pen, they are now preparing for the legislative elections.

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