Marine Le Pen calls for the abandonment of sanctions against Russia, which “are useless”

The leader of the deputies of the National Rally also denounced the “total inertia” of the government.

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Marine Le Pen called on Tuesday August 2 for the abandonment of the sanctions imposed on Russia because of the war in Ukraine because, according to her, they “are absolutely useless”except at “to cause pain” Europeans. “I wish” that the penalties “ddisappear to prevent Europe from being faced with a blackout, particularly with regard to gas imports”, declared the leader of the RN deputies during a press conference at the National Assembly.

The leader of the RN also denounced a “total inertia of power” since the re-election of Emmanuel Macron in April, judging that he has not “almost nothing happened” during the first 100 days of his second term. “The only thing that happened was that purchasing power bill that was an obligation. Emmanuel Macron could not do otherwise. And we can see that it is far below the needs of our compatriots”she developed.

Marine Le Pen, beaten in the second round of the presidential election by Emmanuel Macron on April 24, was also delighted “to see that the National Assembly has regained power”. She said to herself “extremely proud” of the beginnings of the RN deputies who, with 89 deputies, form the largest parliamentary group in the history of the far-right party.

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