Marine Le Pen calls for “changing immigration policy” to avoid “other tragedies”


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In the aftermath of the sinking of a migrant boat off the coast of Greece, in which 78 people died, Marine Le Pen points to franceinfo Thursday the responsibility of the European policy on immigration which encourages, according to her, “to die at sea”.

“This appalling tragedy is a tragedy which comes after many other tragedies and which, if we do not stop this policy [européenne en matière d’immigration]will precede many other dramas yet”, reacts Marine Le Pen, president of the National Rally group in the Assembly, the day after the sinking of a migrant boat off the coast of Greece. The country will observe three days of mourning after the death of 78 people, according to a provisional report.

“The idea that all of these migrants should be given hope of the possibility of arriving in Europe and of being regularized and possibly of obtaining the nationality of one of the countries of the European Union is an idea which encourages taking a considerable risk which is that of dying at sea“, says the former presidential candidate.

“Migrants must be brought back to their port of departure”

For her, “we have to embark the migrants who are on these boats, we have to feed them, we have to treat them, we have to hydrate them and we have to bring them back to their port of departure, because that’s the only way we’ll stop this suction pump that makes thousands of migrants risk their lives every year, with crossings that are more and more perilous”.

The MP for Pas-de-Calais attacks the organizations that help them. According to her, “all this is masked, I say masked, by NGOs, which are, in reality, the accomplices of the smugglers”.

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