Marine Le Pen brings together 4,000 activists for her meeting in Arras



France 3

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Thursday, April 21, three days before the second round of the presidential election, Marine Le Pen is holding a meeting in Arras, in Pas-de-Calais. Journalist Valéry Lerouge is present on site.

Marine Le Pen is in Hauts-de-France, Thursday, April 21. In particular, she gives a meeting in the evening. “After this last meeting in Arras, (…) which is full with 4,000 people, Marine Le Pen will remain in Hauts-de-France for this final day of campaign“, reports the journalist Valéry Lerouge, live from Arras (Pas-de-Calais). The candidate is on a ground which is favorable to her.

On the program, there will be a stroll through a market, a visit by caregivers to a hospital (…) and then, the campaign team promises us a final aesthetic and symbolic image.“, reports the journalist, without providing details. For his part, Emmanuel Macron has also chosen rurality. Friday, April 22, he will be in Figeac (Lot), for a meeting as well as a stroll. “At midnight, the two camps will no longer have the right to communicate, the campaign will be over“, concludes Valéry Lerouge.

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