Marine Le Pen betrayed by her press secretary? “Daily” proves it on video!

It’s no secret that for several years the journalists of the show Daily are not welcome at Marine Le Pen’s press conferences. A refusal of accreditation that the far-right candidate in the second round of the presidential election assumes 100%.

“You know, I’m at home, in my HQ [quartier général], in my movement. It was I who decided, several years ago, that Quotidien was an entertainment show. moreover declared the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen on Tuesday April 12, 2022, in the middle of a press conference.

“There are no journalists at Quotidien […] It is not a news or journalist program. It’s an entertainer, sometimes very funny by the way, it’s an entertainment show”, she justified in a confident way… However, this assertion is obviously far from being shared by all the members of his party…

“It is still the subject of a vast debate”

On Wednesday April 13, 2022, the issue of TMC has indeed unveiled images of several exchanges between the journalists of Daily and Caroline Parmentier, Marine Le Pen’s press officer… And the least we can say is that the latter does not seem to be in complete agreement with her boss.

“I hope we can talk to each other and explain each other one day to see how things are going to go for the presidential election. I am completely open to a discussion and afterwards, I hope that things will change because we have to be able to work together »even launched Caroline Parmentier to the journalists of Daily in June 2021…

Only then, after having attended a single press conference, the journalists of TMC have once again been blacklisted! A refusal of accreditation that Marine Le Pen’s press advisor tried to justify a few months later without much conviction: “Know that it is always the subject of a vast debate in our house… You are of great concern to us! Let’s say that we assume that you do more entertainment than news… But I know that’s less true, too! », she concluded…

See also: Marine Le Pen gets involved!

Lisa Ziane

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