She made a fifty-minute speech where she mainly questioned the President of the Republic: “the Mozart of finance has become the Mozart of debt“She asked Emmanuel Macron to finally declare himself a candidate
The vast majority of participants were members of the RN, some of whom came by bus (four buses can carry 200 people) . But there were also non-members like Christian who came from Lac des Sapins near Tarare
In her speech she recalled her promises: no pensions for less than 1,000 euros, lowering of VAT to 5.5% on fuel, which could save 250 euros on a tank of fuel. No taxes for those under 30.
In terms of democracy, she believes that Emmanuel Macron has not kept his promise to apply a proportional share in legislative elections.
She called out young people who abstain too much from voting: “they have the choice between macronists and marinists.”.
– Gerard Fourgeaud
In terms of security, she denounced the “lax” left who protect migrant minors who, according to her, are “often drugged“. She wants to send them back to their families or to their countries. And to come back to Emmanuel Macron: “there are no unaccompanied minors in the corridors of investment banks“Marine Le Pen wants thugs to no longer have the feeling of impunity and for young offenders to be sentenced on the first offence, or even deprived of liberty in appropriate centres. In prisons, she would like to create 25,000 places so that the central no longer be the slums they sometimes are, nor the med club
She denounced the environmental mayors who refuse to take measures for the safety of their inhabitants. Taking the example of the Mistral district in Grenoble
To conclude the victory it is now and for that it is necessary that the popular block is more numerous