Marine Le Pen assures that she will not affect the status of intermittents du spectacle

Invited by France Bleu Vaucluse on Friday morning, Marine Le Pen ensures that, if elected, she would not affect the status of intermittent workers or festival subsidies. “I love culture as much as you, I will do everything to develop it”, assures the candidate of the National Rally.

Marine Le Pen spoke at length on culture, Friday morning, live on France Blue Vaucluse. The candidate of the Rassemblement National for the presidential election wanted to reassure professionals in the sector.

France Bleu Vaucluse: Marine Le Pen, you have chosen Avignon for this first meeting between the two towers… It is a city of culture, famous for its international theater festival. But neither during your meeting nor in your program do you talk about culture. You talk about heritage, but you don’t talk about performing arts, not music, not cinema.

Marine Le Pen: Oh yes, yes, yes! I had the opportunity to talk about it to say that what I want is to create artist nurseries, to allow young artists – who may not have networks, no aid in this medium – to meet their public. I also proposed creating a national heritage service, because I think heritage is extremely important. This service would be aimed at 18-24 year olds. They would be paid and could work on the maintenance and knowledge of crafts with associations, municipalities or the State. It is important. Why? Because it is the foundation of our tourism. Therefore, it must be maintained at all costs.

So you put the heritage forward. And live performance professionals are worried. If you are elected, will you maintain the regime of the intermittents du spectacle?

I don’t intend to change it. It’s an expensive diet, it’s true. But it’s a choice because without this regime, there is no longer any cultural offer possible. Cultural creation is no longer possible. So, I will maintain this system. There is nothing to worry about. And in general, I would like to tell the world of culture that there is nothing to worry about. In the towns that we have won (I’m thinking of Hénin-Beaumont, which I know well), the cultural offer has never been so important as since Steeve Briois was elected mayor of the town – even though the cultural world had concerns about this. Don’t worry. I love culture as much as you do, and I will do everything to develop it as much as possible in our country.

If you are elected, will you continue to subsidize the Festival d’Avignon at the same level as today?

Obviously, there is no problem. I don’t choose the grants I give based on people’s political proximity. This is perhaps what differentiates me from others.

Do you recognize that culture is an economic driver? Vaucluse is the 9th poorest department in France, it would do even worse if it weren’t for the festivals.

Obviously. And I specify: culture AND tourism. Again, these are very important topics. In tourism, there is a lot to do. And the culture must be preserved. So we have to give a big boost.

If you are elected, will there be a Ministry of Culture in your government?

Certainly yes. Perhaps, moreover, a Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Will you come to the Cour d’Honneur this summer, if you are elected president?

With great pleasure. If time is left for me, in the many things I would have to do if I am elected head of state.

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