Marine Le Pen asks Elisabeth Borne for an extraordinary session of Parliament

The former National Rally candidate for the presidential election shared on Twitter the letter she sent to the Prime Minister.

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Marine Le Pen pleaded with Elisabeth Borne for the holding of an extraordinary session of Parliament in the face of the energy crisis. In this letter that she posted on Wednesday August 31 on Twitter, the former RN candidate for the presidential election asks the Prime Minister “to convene an extraordinary session of Parliament, putting on the agenda a debate followed by a vote on the measures to be taken to protect the French people from the energy crisis”.

While President Emmanuel Macron will convene a Defense Council on Friday devoted to the supply of gas and electricity to France, she recalls her opposition to this method: “We dispute that the President of the Republic bypasses Parliament to manage the crisis with an Energy Defense Council“, she writes, denouncing a “contempt for the representatives of the people”.

This crisis “is now out of control”, believes Marine Le Pen, before questioning “the blatant inefficiency of the government” who “now exposes our companies and our compatriots to the worst difficulties, seriously jeopardizing our national sovereignty”.

She particularly criticizes “the irrational development of intermittent energies” and “the liberalization of the European market” who have “worsened our common dependence on gas imports“, development “taxed at the expense of nuclear energy” according to her, and she tackles the sanctions aimed at Russia which “lead the French”.

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