Marine Le Pen and the RN criticize the statements of Antoine Armand, new Minister of the Economy

For Antoine Armand, “the National Rally, against which we were elected, against which we formed a republican front, does not belong” to the republican arc.


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The new Minister of Economy, Antoine Armand, attends his first council of ministers, on September 23, 2024 at the Élysée Palace. (IAN LANGSDON / AFP)

Invited to France Inter on Tuesday, September 24, the new Minister of the Economy Antoine Armand considered that the National Rally was not part of the Republican arc, unlike La France Insoumise. As she left the conference of presidents of the National Assembly, the leader of the RN deputies Marine Le Pen castigated this statement. And other members of the party followed suit.

“When I hear Mr. Armand this morning explaining that his door will always be closed to the National Rally deputies, while we only have the budget coming in, I think that the Prime Minister must go and explain to all of his ministers what his government’s philosophy is because it seems that some have not fully understood.”she said. Michel Barnier invited his team members on Monday to be “irreproachable and modest” and to have “respect” For “all political parties”. “I would like the philosophy expressed by the Prime Minister to be shared by all his ministers”asserted Marine Le Pen.

For Antoine Armand, “The National Rally, against which we were elected, against which we formed a republican front, does not belong” to the Republican bow. On France Inter, however, he acknowledged that the movement founded by Jean-Luc Mélenchon was part of it, “even if some Insoumis have unfortunately very often exceeded the limits of the Republic.”

This statement by the new Minister of the Economy did not fail to provoke a reaction from other members of the RN. “For the newly appointed Minister of the Economy, Antoine Armand, democracy is variable geometry. After only 3 days, this government is already showing sectarianism and insulting 11 million French people!”is written on the party’s official account on X (ex-Twitter). “The 11 million French people who voted for the RN are not second-class citizens! The new government should start by governing, before trying to give lessons in democracy“, we can still read on the same account.

Still on X, Laurent Jacobelli, spokesperson and vice-president of the party, challenges the Prime Minister: “Hello Michel Barnier, we agree, he crossed the red line, no ” “Anti-democratic and contemptuous attitude towards 11 million voters. Extremely serious in the current state of this total absence of majority…” Louis Aliot, first vice-president of the RN and mayor of Perpignan, protests.

“Where is the respect for pluralism and voters promised by Michel Barnier?”asks another RN spokesperson, European MP Julie Rechagneux, also on X. “Yet another person who suffers from a lack of understanding of democracy and who should show off less given the lack of popular legitimacy his nomination has.”underlines the RN European deputy Mathilde Androuët.

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