Marine Le Pen and Sandrine Rousseau angry: their homes vandalized by pro Zemmour

Eric Zemmour’s candidacy for the 2022 presidential election has twisted some of his support! Violence during his meeting in Villepinte, shocking video of activists simulating shootings on President Macron and elected officials of La France Insoumise and, now, vandalism in the homes of opponents!

Indeed, the unfortunate candidate of the primary environmentalist Sandrine Rousseau announced that her home was targeted by supporters of Eric Zemmour. The facade and the front door of his home were degraded during the night of Tuesday 21 to Wednesday 22 December. On Twitter, the one who lost to Yannick Jadot but who chairs his political council for the next election, writes: “That night, Zemmour activists drummed and stuck leaflets on my door. A further step has been taken in the denial of democracy. These intimidations increase my energy tenfold in carrying ecological, social, feminist and anti-racist discourse. I filed a complaint.

The complaint was filed Wednesday at the La Rochelle police station and reports a “degradation“from his home in Lille. On the front door of his apartment as well as on the facade of the building, we could find”stickers“from Eric Zemmour’s movement, Reconquest. Garbage bags were also deliberately scattered in front of her home.. “It is intimidation. At that time, I was not in the house but my partner was there. Luckily my kids weren’t there“, she confided to France Info, shocked and angry.

She is not the only one to have suffered this fate since Marine Le Pen, candidate of the National Rally for the presidential election – who hunts on the same far-right lands as Eric Zemmour – also saw her home in Yvelines be taken for target. “Tags calling to vote for Eric Zemmour, as well as posters with his effigy, were found on the facade of the home of the presidential candidate. According to Marianne, the mirror of Marine Le Pen’s car was also broken. The facts would have occurred on the night of Wednesday to Thursday“, relates The Parisian. She lodged a complaint on Thursday 23.

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