Marine Le Pen and leaders of sovereignist parties discuss their alliance within the EU in Warsaw

In total, around fifteen training sessions will discuss the possibility of forming a large group in the European Parliament.

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About fifteen far-right sovereignist and conservative parties are meeting in Warsaw (Poland) to debate their vision of the EU on Saturday, December 4. In particular, the National Rally of Marine Le Pen and the Polish Law and Justice Party (PiS) participate, signatories in July of a joint declaration with a view to an alliance. In front of the press, Marine Le Pen clarified that the objective of the meeting is to create a “big group” in the European Parliament, where the participants are currently split into two distinct groups. The politician says “consider with optimism” the emergence of this new political force “in the coming months”.

The full list of participants was not released on Friday by the organizers. In addition to Marine Le Pen and the leader of the Italian League Matteo Salvini (absent however in Warsaw), the July declaration was signed by the Prime Minister and boss of Hungarian Fidesz Viktor Orban, the leader of the PiS Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the president of Vox in Spain Santiago Abascal, and the chef of Fratelli d’Italia, Giorgia Meloni, expected in Warsaw. These signatories had insisted on the need for “deep reform” of the European Union, fearing the “creation of a European superstate”.

In the European Parliament, the RN and the League belong to the Identity and Democracy (ID) group, while Law and Justice, Vox and Fratelli d’Italia are in the European Conservatives and Reformists (CRE) group. Fidesz, which divorced in March from the European People’s Party (EPP) group, is looking for other partners. “It is a long-term job to succeed in bringing together all the political movements. It takes time”, declared Marine Le Pen, for whom the meeting in Warsaw will be a “important step”.

Polish experts evoke the current context of the meeting, with the creation of a new government coalition in Germany, and the signing by Paris and Rome, last week, of a reinforced cooperation treaty to consolidate a relationship proven in recent years , against the backdrop of the transition taking place in Europe with the departure of Angela Merkel. In October, Marine Le Pen had already met the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, to denounce “the enslavement” of the EU and the “migratory submersion”.

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