Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella, a duo or a future duel?


Video length: 3 min

National gathering: Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella, a duo or a future duel?

National gathering: Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella, a duo or a future duel?


Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella present themselves as a winning ticket, with a chef. But the growing popularity of the president of the National Rally could reshuffle the cards in view of the presidential election of 2027.

Always three steps behind the queen, like a dolphin. Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen present themselves as a winning ticket, with a leader. But can the National Rally duo become a duel? Marine Le Pen proclaims herself a natural candidate despite three unsuccessful attempts, and has already distributed the roles: she president, he prime minister. However, the foal sometimes seems to stand out. At the Agricultural Show, he created an imbroglio by speaking out against “floor prices”a measure which is on Marine Le Pen’s program.

Jordan Bardella would appeal to young people and cities

The duo wants to highlight their complementarity. Jordan Bardella would appeal to young people, cities, the wealthiest and those with the most identity, the opposite of Marine Le Pen. But the popularity of the youngest is increasing. Among the activists gathered in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), Sunday March 3, the music of competition resonates. “Without him, I think there would be no youth”, says an activist. The majority, ahead of voting intentions in the European elections, often flatters Jordan Bardella to sour relations with Marine Le Pen.

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