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The two far-right candidates each held a large campaign rally on Saturday, February 5. A battle of numbers and image between two candidates with the same themes.
Same solemn staging, and same determination displayed. On the one hand in Lille (Nord), Éric Zemmour for the second big meeting of his campaign. Two hours later in Reims (Marne), Marine Le Pen, for the official launch of her youthird race presidential. A ranged combat, which is first played on the podium, with two similar strategies. Neither of them pronounced the name of the other, and the themes addressed come together.
On purchasing power, with two important measures, a zero charge bonus for Éric Zemmour and salary increases for Marine Le Pen. But the two don’t forget their common obsessions: Islam and immigration. Saturday, February 5, it was also a battle of image and figures. On the Éric Zemmour side, 8,000 spectators claimed, twice as many as the 4,000 listed on the Marine Le Pen side. But this one proudly displays about thirty buses bearing his effigy which will now travel across France. Between the supporters of the two camps, the rivalry is displayed.