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Thursday April 14, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, the two qualified candidates in the second round of the presidential election, traveled to the region in order to reach a new electorate.
Thursday April 14, Emmanuel Macron was in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime), when Marine Le Pen was in Avignon (Vaucluse). In these two cities, Jean-Luc Mélenchon came out on top in the first round of the presidential election on Sunday 10 April. The outgoing president, Emmanuel Macron (LREM), responded to a teacher, who told him that he did not want to vote for him, despite the risk of his opponent being elected.
Marine Le Pen (RN) went, meanwhile, to a city where she achieved a low score, while Emmanuel Macron had criticized her for moving only to municipalities that were favorable to her. Both responded to local media. The outgoing president has put forward his environmental program, which is not present with his opponent. The militants of the National Rally want to believe in victory, while Marine Le Pen opposed, during her speech, the “popular bloc” to “elite bloc”.