Marine El Himer under fire from critics since her conversion to Islam… The influencer is fighting back!

To this day, Marine El Himer is one of the most famous influencers in France. It is through countless reality TV shows that the star has seen his notoriety explode! In recent weeks, the sister of Océane El Himer has been talked about several times because of her private life. After acquiring Moroccan nationality, the young woman converted to Islam.

Being very close to her followers, she obviously wanted to share this intimate moment with her community. In the process, Marine El Himer also immortalized her pilgrimage to Mecca. According to the images unveiled on the Web, the ex-protégé of Magali Berdah has found a balance thanks to religion. If thousands of Internet users have been affected by his approach, others, on the contrary, have winced about his publications.

“It’s haram the music already…”

“Two days ago she was celebrating Halloween?” Judgment is forbidden in Islam but stop there! We cannot not speak. Why do you show yourself with such photos keep it to yourself it’s not possible “ can we read in the thread of the comments of one of his posts. Or : “It’s limited to take out your phone in this sacred but good place”, “False eyelashes at the pilgrimage bravo. You’ve understood everything. Did you think that Islam and Mecca was a business? Keep filming for your quest for buzz and easy tune”, “You have to remove your old photos”, “The most contradictory Instagram account in history”.

This Wednesday, November 9, 2022, Marine El Himer again fed her Instagram story to make her product placements. The opportunity for the main interested party to honor elegant abayas. Won over by the creations, she even immortalized herself with a few models. But obviously, his publications had the merit of ulcerating an Internet user: “Music is already haram. Two, that’s not how you wear the veil. Heels are haram too”. Taken aback by the tackles towards her, Marine El Himer relayed her messages while adding an emoji that expresses her weariness…


to see also: Marine El Himer reveals her exchange in Instagram private messages with the most handsome guy of Netflix

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