Marine El Himer formalizes her conversion to Islam by appearing veiled in Mecca!

At the moment, Marine El Himer is on a little cloud… And for good reason, after several weeks of twists and turns, the young woman managed to obtain Moroccan nationality. Allowing him to reconnect with his origins. Not a little proud, the star also organized an impressive ceremony in Morocco to celebrate the event! Concerned about the smallest detail, the sister of Océane El Himer adorned herself with a sublime dress, elegant jewelry without forgetting the henna to mark the occasion.

Indeed, the influencer wanted more than anything to respect the traditions of the Cherifian kingdom. A new life for a new start… On the Web, his community follows this personal journey very closely. It is also in islam that the main interested party aspires to find peace. His development is the delight of his most fervent admirers. Appeased, she has nothing to do with criticism from her haters about her conversion.

“I don’t know how to thank you for your precious support…”

This Friday, November 4, 2022, the star again fed her Instagram feed. The opportunity for her to give her news. This time, Marine El Himer relayed rare shots of her pilgrimage to Mecca. Veiled and mine focused on religious writings, the ex-protégé of Magali Berdah took advantage of every moment in this sacred place.

“These moments mark the happiest day of my life”she captioned her post. “There are no words strong enough to express the intensity of happiness and emotions experienced at this very moment. A spiritual journey that I hope will continue to uplift and guide me Inch’Allah. I don’t know how to thank you for your precious support and kindness. Many thanks to all of you”.

In the thread of comments, Internet users have thousands to react: “Thank you for these wonderful Marine photos. You seem so peaceful… You made me want to read the Koran again”, “How beautiful you are, your face is lit up”, “God bless you”, “Congratulations”, “I am moved”. Beautiful messages that certainly touched the reality TV candidate!


to see also: Marine El Himer reveals her exchange in Instagram private messages with the most handsome guy of Netflix

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