Marine El Himer atomized by Internet users because of Christmas!

You can’t please everyone. And Marine El Himer has probably never felt it as much as in the past few months. Indeed, the twin sister of Océane, known for her first TV appearance in The Princes of Love then The people of Marseilles or The people of Marseille vs the rest of the world, announced great news a few months ago when she revealed that she had converted to Islam. A news that did not fail to react to the eternal haters on the Web. Some accusing the young woman of having converted by “fashion”, and others strongly criticizing this choice for the simple pleasure of criticizing.

Between this new life, the fact that she would attend the Moroccan revelation of the last World Cup, Azzedine Ounahi, and the fact of having celebrated Christmas… Marine El Himer receives tackles from all sides. Because yes, for a few hours now, her haters have been accusing her of having celebrated Christmas when she is now Muslim.

Marine El Himer, still “too Christian” for some…

“She’s going to lay out her prayer mat for you in the afternoon and celebrate Christmas in the evening… All the influencers who claim to be Muslims they all celebrated Christmas. If you could leave our religion alone that would be nice of you” , “And the prayer rug we don’t see it anymore? She likes ‘the smell of the fir tree’… had to remain a Christian then!” , “Stop making a buzz using Islam, it’s serious anyway”, have for example deplored some. This led Marine El Himer to react and defend herself.

“I would like to clarify a point that some seem to hide: I am Franco-Moroccan, of Moroccan father and French mother; I am the only one to have converted to Islam in the family, don’t forget that…”she first justified before adding: “The practice of my religion does not exclude my culture of origin, our customs and family traditions, nor my inner child […] Sharing a Christmas meal with the family is above all an opportunity to find myself with the people I love, around a pretty table, to thank God for what this year has brought us, good and bad. God is the only judge so be tolerant and above all #dirouniva”. It remains to be seen whether this defense will make it possible to calm the ardor of some…

See also: Marine El Himer: after the veil, the strange marriage with great pomp of the reality TV star in Morocco!


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