Marine Delterme, her son Gabriel faced with a difficult period: “I did not see things coming”

Marine Delterme stars in the series Handling, which will be broadcast on France 2 from January 10, 2022. In this dramatic series, which she shot with Marc Ruchmann – Heart plan – and Constance Dollé, the actress plays the role of a trapped woman, under the influence of a narcissistic pervert. Her life, far from film sets, is obviously rosier. But she went through tough stages, personal and family.

It is effortlessly that Marine Delterme played the story of Maud, since she herself was the victim of an extremely toxic man for many months. If she is now happily married with director Florian Zeller, the 51-year-old actress has had other problems on a personal level. Mother of Roman, 13 years old, she had previously had Gabriel with Jean-Philippe Ecoffey and had a very bad experience of her teenage period.

You have to tell parents, love is not enough, proclaims the heroine ofAlice Nevers in the columns of the magazine Paris Match January 6. With my first, I didn’t see it coming. He ate well, slept well, I did not understand … With the second, I was very vigilant: learning to recognize tiny signals, a veil of sadness, a good mood of facade … What a responsibility to observe constantly ! It is a priesthood!

Florian almost saved us …

It’s impossible to know what went wrong with Gabriel, who is 23 today. Depression? Alcohol ? Drug? One thing is certain: Florian Zeller played a major role in the education of the young man. “I was eleven years older, a child of 5, we were survivors of hell, remembers Marine Delterme about their meeting. He took us head on, my son and I … it’s incredible. This ‘young man’ almost saved us, he is the noblest soul I have ever met. He brought us back to life. With immense patience …

Find the full interview with Marine Delterme in the magazine Paris Match, n ° 3792 of January 6, 2022.

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