In As bestas, the most recent film by Rodrigo Sorogoyen, Marina Foïs embodies a woman who, together with her husband, has settled in a village in Galicia, Spain, to the chagrin of xenophobic neighbors. In this thriller inspired by a true story, the actress has found a great role. Interview.
There are sometimes very happy coincidences. Rodrigo Sorogoyen was first captivated by the performance of Marina Foïs in polishesthe film that Maïwenn directed in 2011. Six years later, the one who played professionally for the very first time in 1993 in Quebec (in the series Shehawehalongside Marina Orsini!) discovered in a Parisian room the talent of the Spanish filmmaker thanks to Que Dios no perdone and was “completely crazy about it”. The two artists have never spoken, never met.
“One day, my agent called me to tell me that Rodrigo Sorogoyen wanted me to read his script,” said Marina Foïs earlier this week, still a little incredulous, during a telephone interview. “I reacted like crazy. I immediately asked who were the other actresses in the rows, because the foreign filmmakers who come to do castings in Paris usually meet several actors. However, Sorogoyen offered me the role outright. Even for a tiny role, I would have said yes right away! »
Une histoire véridique
As bestas est inspiré d’une histoire véridique survenue en Espagne en 2010, dont le déroulement dans le film – ne donnons pas ici de détails – surprend encore plus quand on n’en connaît rien. Marina Foïs, tellement enthousiasmée à l’idée de tourner avec Sorogoyen, n’avait d’ailleurs pas mesuré tout à fait la charge dramatique de cette histoire en lisant le scénario une première fois.
« En premier lieu, je me suis attardée davantage à la forme du récit, qui change de point de vue en cours de route, avec cette espèce de passage de flambeau qui passe des hommes aux femmes. Rodrigo m’a demandé de regarder le documentaire Santoalla [Andrew Becker et Daniel Mehrer], dedicated to Margo Pool, the one who inspired the character I play. In this film made six years after the events, it is beautiful to see her give substance to the project she shares with her husband. »

At the Césars Evening held recently, Marina Foïs saw As bestas get the César for best foreign film.
Marina Foïs thus found herself, in the company of Denis Ménochet, in a village in Galicia, playing in Spanish this French woman, named Olga, who, in the company of her husband Antoine, wishes to live peacefully by cultivating organic vegetables. However, the presence of the couple raises the ire of the immediate neighbors, two brothers ready to do anything to poison their existence.
In this story, no one wants to lay down their arms and the escalation is endless. But who is right in this story? The brothers or Antoine and Olga? I don’t know. Those who go over to the side of violence are always wrong, because then any discussion becomes impossible.
Marina Fois, actress
In Spanish only
Born of an Italian father, Marina Foïs masters the language of Dante, but did not know much Spanish at first. The actress wanted to learn the language of Cervantes upstream.
“I worked with a coach on set. I also asked the team to speak to me only in Spanish, which made me progress very quickly. I really enjoyed this experience. Now I know that if I put in the effort, I could play in many other languages. From this constraint was born a new freedom! »

In As bestasDenis Ménochet and Marina Foïs play a French couple living in a small village in Galicia, Spain, very close to the Portuguese border.
Looking at As bestas for the first time, the actress, less present in the first part of the film, devoted mainly to the men involved in the story, was able to immediately appreciate the grace of the staging and let herself be “dazzled” by the acting of the trio formed by Denis Ménochet, Luis Zahera and Diego Anedo.
“And then there is the strength of cinema, which comes from the gaze of a director,” she adds. This cannot be explained. »
I watched Rodrigo on set, but I couldn’t explain how he makes things. There is a part of magic in what he does. The importance he gives to detail, to the truth of the gesture.
Marina Foïs, actress, about the director
A dazzling success
Launched last year in the Cannes Première section of the Cannes Film Festival, As bestas has since enjoyed dazzling success. Recently, this psychological thriller won no less than nine Goya trophies in Spain (including the one awarded for best film, best director and best screenplay), and the César for best foreign film was awarded to it in Paris. How does Marina Foïs explain this enthusiasm?
“At a time when we talk a lot about the rise of extremism and the hatred it engenders, I believe that there is in the human being, fundamentally, a need for consolation and reparation. That’s what the movie is about and it resonates with people, I think. »
As bestas is currently showing.