Marina Foïs admits to having suffered from dysmorphophobia: “It’s very complicated…”

His face is everywhere. Coming soon to the movie they are alive, by Jérémie Elkaïm, Marina Foïs is on all fronts. We saw her present the 46th Cesar ceremony last year. She has a string of roles and appearances, notably during Paris Fashion Week. Since the days of Robin Hood, the 52-year-old actress has become a reference in French cinema, just like a fashion icon. It is besides Nicolas Ghesquière, the artistic director of the women’s collections of Louis Vuitton, who dresses her as soon as she needs it, but who is also her friend, her adviser, her confidant.

Being an actress is very complicated.

Such a status would undoubtedly have surprised Marina Foïs, if it had been discussed with her earlier in her life. As a teenager, the actress suffered from dysmorphophobia, a disorder which she gradually got rid of thanks to her roles, but also thanks to psychoanalysis and “to the men who loved her“: “I was a late wife. I became one thanks to the father of my children [son ancien compagnon Eric Lartigau, NDLR] and thanks to Nicolas Ghesquièreshe explains in the columns of the magazine Marie Claire. and its March 2022 edition. Being an actress is very complicated, we are surrounded by self-image. Appearance is at the heart of my job, but also of women’s lives these days more than ever..”

Today, Marina Foïs accepts much more willingly the reflection displayed in the mirror. According to the days, the moods and the looks. The actress recently had to cut her hair very short to get a role in a film and she readily admits having “cried a lot“because of this capillary constraint. The shooting of this feature film has just ended in Spain. It is therefore time to stock up on brewer’s yeast and castor oil…

Find the full interview of Marina Foïs in the magazine Marie Claire, n°834, March 2022.

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