Marilou Berry victim of grossophobia: shocking revelations on a significant shooting

Letting go is not his style! Marilou Berry revealed, this Friday July 29 on her Instagram account, to have suffered inappropriate remarks on her physique during a shoot, from a director. The latter found the actress “too big“.”She asked to lengthen my skirts by 15cm because she didn’t like my knees, asked me to smile without showing my teeth or not to move my eyebrows because it was ‘not pretty’, asked to hide my neckline so you don’t see those nasty stretch marks”, denounced the daughter of Josiane Balasko in her story.

But the 39-year-old actress, no doubt annoyed at being constantly brought back to her physique, banged her fist on the table, thus making her director understand that she did not intend to submit to her criticisms. “At barely 30 years old, I had the audacity not to believe her and to do as I pleased…”, she said, before giving valuable advice to her subscribers: “Never let anyone put you down“. Especially since Andy’s mom, who added the #proud to her post, has never had trouble accepting her body, and changing it when she wanted to. In 2013, she physically transformed for the film Josephine.

Be in control of your body

A decision that she seems to have taken on her own, without being influenced, for a single second, by any criticism or inappropriate remark about her body. Above all, she wanted to avoid constantly playing the same role in her films. “I’m not going to spend my life playing the roles of young 20-year-old women who feel bad about themselves. So the roles evolve with me and vice versa. And my body is a game vector”, explained the companion of the Diamantaire in the program 50 mins inside.

A choice she also made for practical reasons.I was tired of having to shop 37 times to find pants that fit me.” she indicated. A metamorphosis that she also justified by the physical problems that it causes to be overweight. “Being fat sucks! We have pain in the knees, in the back… It is not possible”, she confessed. Obviously, it was not the criticisms that led her to change her body, but rather her own desires.

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