Marilou Berry: her companion and father of her sick son Andy, she provides for him during a major project

The artist The Diamantaire has just tested positive for Covid-19 and therefore cannot monitor the exhibition of his works, which is currently taking place in Apt, in the Lubéron. His companion, who is none other than the actress Marilou Berry, therefore took charge of taking over, as evidenced by her story Instagram published this Wednesday, July 13, 2022.

It is not difficult to imagine the disappointment of his companion, his first name Alexis, who contracted the virus at the worst time from a professional point of view. He is forced into isolation, which prevents him from meeting his fans as well as other artists and collectors, who have no doubt planned to go to his exhibition in order to contemplate his pieces.

A lovely boy

It would also not be the right time to fall ill for the 39-year-old actress, who is particularly expected on the set of the third season of the series. I promise you this summer, in which she plays a role inspired by that of Chrissy Metz in the American series This is Us. This year, she was front and center in the miniseries Mariannedirected by Alexandre Charlot, Franck Magnier and Myriam Vinocour, in which she plays an examining magistrate.

Alongside her life as an actress, Marilou Berry is also the mother of a little boy named Andy, born at the end of 2018 from her relationship with Le Diamantaire. The latter recently shared a photo of his little bundle of joy on his Instagram account. “Succession !” he wrote in the caption, while we see the child wearing one of his dad’s works in what looks like a workshop.

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