Marie-Sophie Lacarrau threatened? TF1 makes a sizeable proposal to its joker Jacques Legros…

At the age of 70, the joker of the 1 p.m. news on TF1 since 1998 has just made a big announcement to our colleagues at Parisian. His status within the channel’s workforce has changed! And it’s a big surprise for the faithful of the chain, since in 24 years of service, Jacques Legros had never wanted to be established before…

Marie-Sophie Lacarrau still absent

He was therefore the replacement for Jean-Pierre Pernaut for years, before being that of Marie-Sophie Lacarrau. And while the latter has been absent from the airwaves for 2 months now, the signature of the CDI of this precious colleague necessarily raises questions… The young journalist explained a few days ago that she was suffering “a rare and severe eye infection that requires long-term treatment” and what she was doing “everything to come back as soon as possible”. Meanwhile, Jacques Legros keeps his place warm, and that’s it.

>> See also: Marie-Sophie Lacarrau still out of the 1 p.m. news: this proposal from her famous brother that she had to refuse …

Indeed, he who assures that his promotion has nothing to do with his long-term replacement of Marie-Sophie Lacarrau, specifies in the columns of Parisian : “We’ve been talking about it for a while. It gives me a more square status before considering an exit, even if I am assured that there is no urgency for me to leave. I’ll decide when I’m tired. Rest assured, it will be before ten years. But nothing is fixed. As long as I don’t act too old a fool on the air, I’ll be there“.

His CDI will not change anything

While waiting for retirement age, Jacques Legros will continue at the same pace, and without changing anything. Remember, in July 2020, he assured TVMagazine which he assumed”totally” his second position. And to add that he worked less by “need” by “passion”. Outside the TF1 tower, Jacques Legros has plenty of time to write books, to be passionate about wine and to manage his company.


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