Marie-Sophie Lacarrau finally back on the air: “delighted”, she speaks live

It is with undisguised joy that Marie-Sophie Lacarrau spoke on May 12 to the Parisian to announce his return to TF1. The journalist, who had been suffering since January from a severe eye problemreturned to the set of the chain to present the traditional 1 p.m. news this Monday, May 16, 2022.

By way of introduction, the replacement for Jean-Pierre Pernaut briefly returned to these last months of ordeal, expressing her happiness to resume her place on the air. “Hello everyone. Monday, May 16, I couldn’t imagine loving this date so much one day. I’m really, really happy to meet you and immediately we resume our good habits, as if we had never left each other“, she said, displaying a big smile on her lips. And to continue before launching the first subject of her diary: “It’s true that in recent months Many of you have heard from me and I thank you for that.. Today, it is therefore I who want to know how you are doing.

Remember that Marie-Sophie Lacarrau suffered from a “amoebic keratin”. “It is an infection of the cornea by amoebas, parasites present in tap water. The fatal combination was: lentils and tap water. Once on the eye, the lens acts as a cover and the parasites settle in and attack. This eye disease is classified as rare and severe“, she had detailed for The Parisian.

Marie-Sophie Lacarrau on the air without a teleprompter

To heal, the mother of Malo and Tim had to pass two months in the dark and under treatment. And today, she no longer has the right to wear contact lenses. “It’s over. Never again. I don’t want to take any more risks“, she had further explained. Marie-Sophie Lacarrau thus posed the question of wearing glasses on the air to present the JT but ultimately, it is without this accessory she appeared on Monday. Which could therefore mean that she opted to perform the exercise without a teleprompter, as Jean-Pierre Pernaut did before her.

Marie-Sophie Lacarrau will have taken a long time to come back but she no longer intends to leave her place. “When you are hit by such an ordeal, it cuts your legs and you either dive or bounce higher. Me, I bounce higher. Today, I feel stronger and full of energy. I have always been calm. There, I come back even more zen“, she had concluded for our colleagues.

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