Marie-Sophie Lacarrau: Extreme suffering because of her infection, her chilling secrets

Event on May 16, 2022. After more than five months of absence, Marie-Sophie Lacarrau has made her big comeback at the controls of the 1 p.m. news from TF1. A great emotion for the presenter who suffered from a infection “rare and severe” at the eye. guest in Daily (TMC) on May 19, she looked back on these last difficult months.

The disappointment was great for TF1 viewers when, after the Christmas holidays, Marie-Sophie Lacarrau announced that she would not be back due to a medical concern. A amoebic keratitis specifically contracted after parasites entered his eye and attacked his cornea, due to water in his contact lenses. A diagnosis that took ten days to be made. “All it takes is a drop of water that passes between the lens and the cornea. Parasites, amoebas, which are present in tap water can enter your cornea and eat it“, she warned during her passage in Daily.

For two months, Marie-Sophie Lacarrau lived in the dark, without a screen, without books and without the possibility of listening to the radio or music because of headaches. Excruciating pain that she described to presenter Yann Barthès: “It’s very painful. You feel like you have gravel or pieces of glass in your eye. It scratches constantly and it causes pain that goes up in your head and down in your teeth. The specialist who followed me used to say that some pain can be up to 40 times that of a toothache. We don’t ask questions, we wait for things to get better.

A stronger woman

And to heal, the wife of Pierre Bascoul has in particular used eye drops”very toxic and very aggressive which have constantly been dosed so as not to further damage the eye. Every day, she had to consult a specialist, to whom she owes a great deal today, so that he could see how the infection was progressing to adapt the drops. Marie-Sophie Lacarrau was fortunately able to count on the support of her management, who promised to wait for her. And once back, the team bent over backwards to adapt to his constraints related to his amoebic keratitis. Like a less strong light so that his eye can bear it. “I could wear lenses, I don’t want to wear them again, and when I tried them, I tested everything: glasses, the teleprompter, no glasses, no teleprompter… And I liked it with the files. As a tribute to Jean-Pierre Pernaut who never used a teleprompter”, she continued. A “nice wink“.

This ordeal changed Marie-Sophie Lacarrau. Today shefeels stronger and “a bit bulimic about everything“.”I have a little desire for everything, and I ask myself perhaps even fewer questions than before. I think it helped me to be more optimistic and positive, I see the glass half full rather than half empty“, she concluded.

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