Marie-Sophie Lacarrau announces that she is leaving her post in full live!

The year 2022 has not been easy for Marie-Sophie Lacarrau. Suffering from amoebic keratitis, the journalist had to leave the 1 p.m. set on TF1 to get back on her feet. “I had no choice: I had to take care of myself”she confided in the columns of Parisian before adding: “During the battle, I lived in darkness for two months, curtains drawn, few lights on, sunglasses indoors. My right eye remained closed. »

The causes of his misfortune? “An infection of the cornea by amoebas, parasites present in tap water. The fatal combination was: lens and tap water”. At worst, the famous presenter had to undergo numerous interventions. “They debrided my eye with a scalpel, I could have had bites in it… […] If we hadn’t been in the Covid period, I would have been hospitalized because it required strong surveillance ”. And to continue: ” I suffered a lot. […] You feel like you have gravel or shards of glass in your eye. […] Impossible to imagine that it would be so long, so painful. “.

The moving farewell of Marie-Sophie Lacarrau

Back on the first channel since the start of the school year, Marie-Sophie Lacarrau is preparing, once again, to leave TF1. This Friday, December 16, 2022, the pretty brunette announced her departure to viewers. But do not panic ! She should soon make her comeback in front of the JT cameras. « I wish you a very good weekend and to spend very beautiful end of year celebrations. I look forward to seeing you, with great pleasure, in 2023”. During this period, it is Jacques Legros who should take over the reins.


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