Marie Montpetit’s executive slams the door of the PLQ

Faced with the resignation en bloc of the local executive of Marie Montpetit, the liberal parliamentary wing repeated that the exclusion of the deputy, decided on last week, was the only option.

The executive of the liberal association of the Montreal constituency of Maurice-Richard was chaired by Jonathan Boursier, an employee of Mme Montpetit. Mr. Boursier and the other members wrote to the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ) on Monday to signify their resignation en bloc, following the exclusion of Montpetit.

The director of communications of the liberal parliamentary wing, Jérémy Ghio, confirmed these resignations on Wednesday. “We respect the decision of the activists and we understand that they had a close relationship with the MP,” said Mr. Ghio.

The liberal leader, Dominique Anglade, demanded the departure of Montpetit last week because of the increasing number of allegations of intimidation and psychological harassment made against her.

Eight employees testified to the To have to the deleterious work climate that reigned within the teams assigned to the service of Montpetit when she was a minister, then a member of the opposition.

Mme Anglade explained last week that the return of Mme Montpetit in caucus was highly unlikely because of these allegations.

Further to be specified

On Wednesday, Mr. Ghio claimed that Anglade had no choice but to expel Mme Montpetit. “The decision to exclude the MP for Maurice-Richard from the caucus remains the only possibility in the current context and in all respect of the leader’s zero tolerance policy. “

At the Montreal headquarters of the PLQ, Maxime Roy also confirmed that the executive of Maurice-Richard, which numbered about seven people, had announced his departure en bloc.

“There were resignations on Monday which were made by email,” he said, specifying that in addition to Mr. Boursier, other employees of Montpetit were also in his constituency executive.

Mr. Roy was not able to specify what will be the follow-up for the activities of the PLQ in Maurice-Richard. “The executive has resigned en bloc, it may be too early to talk about the rest,” he agreed. We will start by respecting the decision of the militants, we will see in due course. “

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