Marie-Josée Savard concedes victory to Bruno Marchand

The defeated candidate for mayor of Quebec Marie-Josée Savard finally conceded the victory to her rival Bruno Marchand, Monday morning, after a very close fight.

Ms. Savard had yet been declared elected with a comfortable majority in the early evening Sunday. But around 9:30 p.m., the gap between the two leaders narrowed, until Mr. Marchand thwarted the projections. Two hours later, the strong and proud leader of Quebec City (QFF) beat his rival by barely 840 votes.

“Team Marie-Josée Savard congratulates Mr. Bruno Marchand on his victory in the election for mayor of Quebec and all the candidates elected for the post of municipal councilor,” said the candidate’s campaign team in a press release. We are proud to see that 10 candidates from our team have received the favor of the citizens in their respective districts. We congratulate them on this great accomplishment and wish them a mandate in which there will be many accomplishments and always listen to them. They will be able to count on the support and accompaniment of Marie-Josée Savard for the future. ”

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