Marie infiltrates swings everything after showing her buttocks to the Caesars

This is a sequence that has probably not finished talking. The comedian and youtuber Marie s’infiltrates took the stage on Friday February 25 during the Cesar ceremony presented by Antoine de Caunes. At the start of the evening, the 31-year-old young woman went on stage, before showing her buttocks during an improbable happening. “Here is my ass… serious tribute to cul…ture”, she said right after lifting up her red dress and showing her posterior…”Undefeated spectator, you who survived, I show you my nerve, that you are convinced that I hide nothing in this chiaroscuro. It was my little declaration of love to me at the cinema and especially to Louis Garrel. I love you“, she shouted.

A controversial and highly criticized sequence on social networks, some internet users considering this moment as the “height of unease” of this Cesar evening. In an interview with TV Magazine, Marie infiltrates returned to the preparation of this “coup”, which was done at the last minute according to her. “Impossible to prepare something like that, the pressure is so great. Just re-thinking what I did yesterday in front of all these people… (laughs). At the time, I wanted to die (…) In the end, I found it quite pleasant as a coup de brilliance. One has the impression that it is premeditated because I recite verses. However, it was a tirade that I had already written and interpreted. Everything was decided at the last minute, I asked my partner what I should do and he launched the idea of ​​the tirade of the ass. He sent me to hell again!” , she related.

The comedian, who expressed a desire to offer “a good ass loosening”, then returned bluntly to the heavy criticism she suffered after her performance. “Of course, the reviews are harsh. I understand that the sequence can create rage. I expected these reactions. The press always has a priori on what I do. But I don’t think I was embarrassing. It is the gaze of others that is embarrassing. It’s crazy to see this tension. Even if the sketch isn’t terrible, who cares, it’s funny! We are here to laugh. I’m proud to have done that. It’s an act of freedom, it takes a lot of courage. If I hadn’t dared, I would have been disappointed”she said.

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